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법 제도 개선

소외계층, 취약계층에 대한 권익이 충분히 보장되고 있지 않다면 그와 관련한 법제도가 개선되어야 함은 자명하다고 할 수 있습니다.

김앤장 사회공헌위원회는 아동, 가정, 장애, 여성 등 다양한 분야의 법제도 개선을 위한 연구, 조사, 세미나 등의 수행 및 지원활동을 통하여 차별과 불평등을 넘어 서로 존중하고 협력하는 사회를 앞당기고자 합니다.

제도 개선

Many of us have heard the African proverb before.
“It takes a village to raise a child.” The basic meaning is that child upbringing is a communal effort in order for children to experience and grow in a safe environment. Unfortunately, some of our children are in troubling situations, and often times, due to their behavioral problems, have become serious, yet overlooked issues in our communities. The village mentality is exactly what proactive public interest, pro bono, and family law attorneys stand for, and the chance to work on this particular pro bono project allowed me to take the “dictionary definition” of the African proverb and make it an experience to remember. Sincere thanks, appreciation, and deepest respect are extended to the Kim & Chang Social Contribution Committee and the Central Child and Family Services Center for focusing on these significant social issues, and for their tireless efforts and willingness to be part of the “village” in Korea to create a healthy and safe environment for all children and youth. Thank you for giving me and my teammates a valuable experience, and for the chance to contribute, albeit a little. Through this project, I truly hope our research and analysis provided some meaningful information and insights toward advancing child welfare policy, and to addressing some of the issues within our foster care system.

가정위탁제도 개선을 위한 5개국 미국, 영국, 독일, 프랑스, 호주 등 비교법 연구참여 변호사